"To become the most influential community of young entrepreneurs in Nepal"



In early 2003, Nepal was undergoing a challenging era, with political turmoil and a state of emergency the Nepalese economy was crippled, and the sentiments of the citizens were at an all-time low. Moreover, young, aspiring and talented Nepali individuals were also considering migrating, leading to a massive talent drain from the nation. With unfavorable working conditions, lack of security and market confidence, entrepreneurship among youth was deterring.

In order to build a positive business climate and empower young entrepreneurs with a unified voice, a group of young and ambitious entrepreneurs under the leadership of Mr. Gaurav Agrawal laid the foundation stone of NYEF (Nepalese Young Entrepreneurs Forum) in September 2003 under the guidance and support of FNCCI. Since its inception NYEF has been creating outstanding entrepreneurs through idea exchange, fellowships, education, training and advocacy among Nepalese youth. Today NYEF has established itself as the apex youth body in the country and is currently in its 19th year.

Our Core Values


Growth with Shared Vision

We believe in collective leadership and team work. We will trust and respect each other.


Hunger for Learning

We celebrate success and learn from our failures. We always strive for continuous improvements


Nation First

Nation always comes first before your business.


Make a Mark

We don't fear change we embrace it. We encourage change, ideas, innovation and always strive to find better ways of doing things.

Interested to be a part of NYEF Kathmandu Chapter?

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